Katelin Madaski

With my current situation, I found myself leaving home and at a risk of being homeless. I had already been struggling financially due to the situation that my family put me in, and I had been unable to get my necessary materials for months after the start of the semester. Soon after I left home, I found myself at a higher stress level in terms of my finances, but a friend introduced me to what the HIGH program was at Wayne State. After she sent me the link, I submitted my application and was contacted within a day or two regarding assistance. I was able to send the HIGH program a list of what I needed, and was notified shortly afterwards that the materials were ready for pickup from the bookstore. It sounds so simple when put this way, but without this assistance, I would not have been able to move forward in my classes at all. I would not have been able to obtain the content necessary, nor would I have been able to participate in the courses, period. Without the HIGH program, I would not be in the better off position that I am. Thank you for everything.

Katelin Madaski

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