WSU First Lady addresses Jewish Community Relations Center (JCRC) of Detroit at MLK commemoration

JCRC/AJC was pleased to host the First Lady and the Founding Director of the HIGH (Helping Individuals Go Higher) Program at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration in the Max M. Fisher Jewish Federation building in Bloomfield Hills.

Our First Lady addressed the Jewish Community Relations Center (JCRC) of Detroit at the MLK commemoration on January 12, 2017. Mrs. Wilson and the JCRC honored King on this day by sharing his message of equality and justice for all people.

The JCRC, partnered with the AJC (American Jewish Committee), is an agency committed to Jewish values that advocates on important issues, such as education, community, and relationships with other ethnic-religious group. The JCRC/AJC holds a mission to "represent the metropolitan Detroit Jewish community, Israel and Jews throughout the world to the general community, and to establish collaborative relationships with other ethnic, racial, civic and religious groups." For more information, go to

Mrs. Wilson shared her vision, values, and interests with the JCRC/AJC in establishing a collaborative community that highly aligns with the mission of the Metro Detroit Jewish community. Both the JCRC/AJC and the HIGH Program continue to work on achieving the goals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mrs. Wilson speaking to a group

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